North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

Committee on Enforcement (ENFO)

The Committee on Enforcement was established by the Commission under Articles III, IV, V, VI and IX of the Convention. In the Convention Area, NPAFC Conservation Measures prohibit directed fishing for anadromous fish (pink, chum, sockeye, Chinook, coho, and cherry salmon, and steelhead trout), state that incidental taking of anadromous fish is to be minimized, and forbid retention of anadromous fish taken incidentally during fishing activity directed at other species. The ENFO coordinates and exchanges information to ensure compliance with Conservation Measures in the Convention Area.

To accomplish its objectives, the ENFO exchanges information among the members on enforcement and inspection of suspected IUU (illegal, unreported, unregulated) fishing in the Convention Area and attempts by fishing vessels of members and non-member countries to avoid compliance with the Convention. Using frequent periodic communications among the fisheries enforcement agencies of its members, the ENFO coordinates information on patrol schedules and joint ship patrols, personnel exchanges, flag State enforcement and port State inspection actions, and on unauthorized fishing activities conducted by vessels without nationality operating in the Convention Area.

ENFO Terms of Reference

The ENFO Committee holds its meetings during the Annual Meeting of the Commission.

Current Chairperson: Takumi Fukuda (Japan)

ENFO Points of Contact:
Canada: B. Wattie
Japan: K. Suzuki
Korea: I. Na
Russia: I. Zhuravlev
USA: A. Lehenbauer