NPAFC International Symposium on Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Production in a Changing Climate: Past, Present, and Future
Dates: | May 17–19, 2015 May 16, 2015 – 1 day Excursion (optional) |
Venue: | Kobe International Conference Center 6-9-1 Minatojima-nakamachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0046, Japan Tel: +81-78-302-5200 Fax: +81-78-302-6485 |
Understanding how climate change and variability impacts the marine ecology of Pacific salmon and steelhead is important to their future sustainability. This symposium will review recent research on ecological mechanisms regulating marine distribution and production of anadromous populations, climate change impacts on salmonid populations, retrospective analysis of key populations as indicators of conditions in North Pacific marine ecosystems, and implications of stock identification and model development for management of salmon and steelhead. The goal of the symposium is to utilize the best available information on marine ecology of salmonid populations to explain and forecast annual variation in their production.
Submitted manuscripts will be considered for publication in the NPAFC Bulletin series after peer review.
Topic Sessions
1. Migration and survival mechanisms of salmonids during critical periods in their marine life history
1a. Initial period of marine life
1b. Winter period
2. Climate change impacts on salmonid production and their marine ecosystems
2a. Bering Sea (BASIS)
2b. North Pacific Ocean and adjacent waters
3. Retrospective analysis of key salmonid populations as indicators of marine ecosystem conditions
4. Application of stock identification and models for salmonid population management
4a. Stock identification development and applications for management
4b. Model development and applications for management
5. Forecasting salmonid production and linked ecosystems in a changing climate
6. Symposium Wrap-up
November 17 (Mon), 2014: | Abstract submissions due |
Mid-January, 2015: | Announcement of abstract selection to authors |
Beginning February, 2015: | Symposium program available and meeting registration opens |
May 16 (Sat), 2015: | One-day excursion (optional) |
May 17 (Sun), 2015: | Symposium in Kobe, evening welcoming reception |
May 18 (Mon), 2015: | Symposium in Kobe, evening poster session |
May 19 (Tue), 2015: | Symposium in Kobe |
June 19 (Fri), 2015: | Submission deadline for manuscripts to the Secretariat |
Fall 2016: | Publication of NPAFC Bulletin 6 |
Participants List
Program & Abstracts
Abstract Guidelines
Organizing Committee
- Edward Farley (Ted Stevens Marine Institute, Auke Bay Laboratories, NOAA, USA)
- James Irvine (Pacific Biological Station, DFO, Canada)
- Ju Kyoung Kim (Yangyang Salmon Station, FIRA, Korea)
- Shigehiko Urawa (Committee Chairperson; Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, FRA, Japan)
- Alexander Zavolokin (Pacific Scientific Research Fisheries Center, TINRO-Center, Russia)
- Nancy Davis (NPAFC Secretariat)
Fisheries Research Agency
The Fisheries Research Agency (FRA), an incorporated administrative agency in Japan, conducts a wide range of research and development activities on fisheries, from basic research and application to practical use. Furthermore, the FRA conducts hatchery releases of juvenile salmon to maintain their populations. Based on these activities, the FRA contributes to achieve the policy targets of securing the stable supply of fishery products and promoting the sound development of the fisheries industries, as stipulated by the Basic Plan for Fisheries Policy, established by the Fisheries Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. The FRA promotes efficient and effective research and development, disseminates the results and encourages the practical use in their respective fields.
Fisheries Research Agency website:
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation believes in bold ideas that create enduring impact in the areas of science, environmental conservation and patient care. Intel co-founder Gordon and his wife Betty established the foundation to create positive change around the world and at home in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our environmental conservation efforts promote sustainability, protect critical ecological systems and align conservation needs with human development. Patient care focuses on eliminating preventable harms and unnecessary healthcare costs through meaningful engagement of patients and their families in a supportive, redesigned healthcare system. Science looks for opportunities to transform–or even create–entire fields by investing in early-stage research, emerging fields and top research scientists. In the San Francisco Bay Area we support land conservation, as well as science and technology museums.
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation website:
Hokkaido Salmon Propagation Association
To increase salmon resources by efficient and sustainable propagation techniques for contributing the stable supply of secure fishery products for the public, the Hokkaido Salmon Propagation Association (HSPA) carries out the following activities:
- Adjustment and guidance of salmon propagation such as drafting hatchery release plan, securing salmon seeds, research and education of hatchery staffs
- Supporting salmon propagation activities including a grant-in-aid
- Providing salmon materials and information for research and educations
- Participating in national projects for improving the survival and value of salmon by the releases of otolith-marked fry
- Environmental safeguard activities for salmon propagation
- Other projects for the achievement of the HSPA goals
HSPA website:

Hokkaido Stationary Net Fisheries Association
Most of salmon harvest in Hokkaido is made by stationary set-net fisheries in the coastal waters. The Hokkaido Stationary Net Fisheries Association (HSNFA) is aimed to develop the sustainable management of set-net fisheries and the promotion of fisheries in Hokkaido by supporting the salmon propagation program, the research and technical development of set-net fisheries, and the efficient marketing for fishery production.
North Pacific Research Board
Created by the United States Congress to promote marine research off Alaska, the North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) provides funding to help develop a clear understanding of the North Pacific, Bering Sea, and Arctic Ocean ecosystems that enables effective management and sustainable use of marine resources. NPRB’s mission is to conduct a comprehensive science program addressing pressing fishery management and ecosystem information needs, through individual and integrated research projects selected on a competitive basis. Each year, NPRB puts out an annual request for proposals (RFP); in addition, NPRB sponsors integrated ecosystem research programs (IERPs), a long-term monitoring program (LTM), and a graduate student research award (GSRA) program. NPRB promotes coordinated, collaborative research; extensive communication and outreach; as well as integration of the social sciences with the natural sciences.
NPRB Website:
Pacific Salmon Foundation
The Pacific Salmon Foundation was established in 1987 as an independent, non-governmental, charitable organization to protect, conserve and restore wild Pacific salmon populations in British Columbia and the Yukon. Today, the Foundation galvanizes the breadth of vested stakeholders to support Pacific salmon from stream to estuary to ocean.
The Foundation:
- Raises money and makes grants to volunteer community groups that conserve and restore streams across the province.
- Manages watershed-wide initiatives in British Columbia that catalyze industry, First Nations, provincial and federal governments, and other non-profits.
- Advances science to improve the understanding of factors that limit the abundance of Pacific salmon.
- Works with government to prioritize and facilitate strategic salmon conservation in the province
Pacific Salmon Foundation website:
Pacific Seafood Processors Association
Pacific Seafood Processors Association (PSPA) is a nonprofit seafood industry trade association. Its corporate members are major seafood processing companies with operations in Alaska and Washington. PSPA was founded in 1914 to foster a better public understanding of the importance of the seafood industry, and has been in continuous and active existence since that time.
For more than a century, PSPA member companies have played an important role in the heritage and development of their region. They are committed to providing good jobs and a safe, rewarding work environment to their employees, economic benefits to the region; and high quality, healthful seafood products to consumers.
Today, they provide consumers with a wide variety of seafood products of the highest quality and play an ongoing, vital role in economies of the region and the nation. PSPA member companies are committed to the sound management and long term health of fishery resources and protection of the marine environment upon which those resources depend.
Pacific Seafood Processors Association website:
The North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) coordinates and promotes marine scientific research in the temperate and sub-Arctic region of the North Pacific Ocean and its adjacent seas, especially northward from 30°N. PICES is an intergovernmental scientific organization with 6 member countries (Canada, Japan, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, and the United States of America), and its goals are to (1) advance scientific knowledge and capacity available for the member countries, including information on human activities affecting, and affected by marine ecosystems, and (2) provide a mechanism for collaboration among scientists in addressing timely and critical scientific questions. The PICES Strategic Plan, approved in 2011, identifies themes and specific goals for the Organization to implement in order to fulfil its mission. PICES activities are further guided by its current 10-year integrative science program FUTURE (Forecasting and Understanding Trends Uncertainty and Responses of North Pacific Marine Ecosystems) undertaken to understand how marine ecosystems in the North Pacific respond to climate change and human activities, to forecast ecosystem status based on a contemporary understanding of how nature functions, and to communicate new insights to its members, governments, stakeholders and the public.
PICES website: