North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission

Technical Report 15

Table of Contents

Developing an Inter-individual Communication Biotelemetry System and Application to Chum Salmon Returned to off Japanese Waters

Takashi Kitagawa, Nobuhiko Sato, Shigenori Nobata, Hiromichi Mitamura, Yoshinori Miyamoto, Nobuaki Arai, Keiichi Uchida, Hokuto Shirakawa, and Kazushi Miyashita

Abstract Excerpt:
Recently, bio-logging techniques involving electronic data-storage tags and acoustic transmitters have been increasingly used to understand migratory fish movements and behaviors (e.g. Walker et al. 2000; Tanaka et al. 2000, 2001, 2005; Friedland et al. 2001; Ishida et al. 2001; Azumaya and Ishida 2005; Tsuda et al. 2006; Makiguchi et al. 2007, 2009, 2011; Kitagawa et al. 2016; Abe et al. 2019, Nobata et al. in press). The number of tags used, however, is normally limited due to the costs, and the tag recovery rate is usually low. In this study, to increase the data recovery rate, we developed an inter-individual communication biotelemetry system based on hydro-acoustic methods and ran a field test of this new bio-logging system on wild chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta.

*This is the first paragraph of an extended abstract. Download the full abstract below.



Kitagawa, T., N. Sato, S. Nobata, H. Mitamura, Y. Miyamoto, N. Arai, K. Uchida, H. Shirakawa, and K. Miyashita.  2019.  Developing an inter-individual communication biotelemetry system and application to chum salmon returned to off Japanese waters.  N. Pac. Anadr. Fish Comm. Tech. Rep. 15: 176–177.