North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
Ikutaro Shimizu and Katsuhiro Miki
Abstract Excerpt:
Rich fishery resources have economically supported many industries in the Sanriku coastal areas of the Tohoku region. The main fishery resources were chum salmon, saury, bonito, sea urchin, scallop, oyster, and wakame seaweed. Domestic chum salmon and farmed coho salmon were the most relevant fisheries products in Sanriku. A salmon industry cluster was formed in Hokkaido and Tohoku regions by hatchery enhancement, a set net fishery, seafood processing and distribution of domestic chum salmon (Fig. 1). However, that industry was closed down by the gigantic earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck in northeastern Japan on 11 March 2011 (Shimizu et al. 2012).
*This is the first paragraph of an extended abstract. Download the full abstract below.
Shimizu, I., and K. Miki. 2021. The challenge of reconstruction faced by the domestic salmon industry after the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami in 2011. N. Pac. Anadr. Fish Comm. Tech. Rep. 17: 196–199.
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